KLS Tuition

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Articles for conversation - #12

With all the doom and gloom of news in recent times, here are some more positive things for this week. However, that gives you something to think about: Why is there so much negative news?

Here are some articles and a video that I found interesting this week. Please let me know if you have any issues accessing these. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

As a bonus task, note some interesting language that you hear in the video and bring it to the class.

  1. https://www.positive.news/environment/how-can-i-help-stop-climate-change/

  2. https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/art-improves-health-changes-body/

  3. https://youtu.be/BtKdLrJLZ5I

If there is anything else you would like to talk about instead, please let me know.

See you in class!