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Hits in the headlines #66

The search for alien life faces a crisis of doubt, and the techniques used have been called into question. A few times a year there seems to be a big story about finding something strange in space, that leads to speculation of a discovery of alien life. However, many people feel that without definitive proof so far, we should start to question our understanding of the universe and how we go about searching for life other than our own. What does this mean for the hunt for aliens?

Secondly is a story from Germany about the (partial) decriminalisation of cannabis. This is a story that has caused controversy and a range of reactions from around the world. While many people feel like this was long overdue, others think that the law on this subject should never be changed. Whatever the personal beliefs, it is definitely starting conversation around drug policy and public health decisions.

Finally, there is a short video of a news story that has taken a year to complete. A British runner has just become the first person to run the entire length of Africa, from the southernmost point to the northernmost. This crazy story seems hardly believable, and there will no doubt be a documentary that follows this challenge. It is an amazing feat of human endurance, but one that is very hard to put into perspective. Although it has not started a new wave of runners taking on similar challenges across continents, it has inspired many to start running. Find out more about this inspiring, unbelievable story in this final link.

Here are some interesting stories that I have found this week. With different topics, I am sure you will find something that is new and challenging for you. Why not use this as a chance to learn some new language?

Try to note some new language that you see or hear in the articles or video and bring it to the class.

  1. https://www.wired.com/story/search-for-alien-life-biosignatures-gas-atmosphere/

  2. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68674813

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzjKjNfpPw4&ab_channel=SkyNews

Have a great week.

See you in class!