Articles for conversation - #51

Closing out 2023 with some less serious, but interesting stories that you can use not only for your English, but also as a chance to reflect on the past year. Has it been everything you wanted? What would you like to do next year?

2023 was the first year for many that life finally returned to normal after years of disruptions from COVID. But as we learned to live without the pandemic, new problems arose and took the main spot of concern for most people. However, there has also been some great news stories from this past year. I have made an effort to include those stories that are more positive and uplifting, and that make you think about the good things in life that are not always the most serious. Along the way, many of you readers have learned new and interesting vocabulary, and been able to practice that language in class. Many students even told me that the stories we were discussing were the first times that they had encountered the topics or the language that was being used.

Looking back on 2023, you should celebrate the successes in your life. No doubt English is one of those things that you have improved on. So, for one final time this year, I hope you can all learn something from these stories and give yourself a chance to reflect on the past year and all that has happened — focusing on the good!

Happy New Year!

Here are some interesting stories that I have found this week. With different topics, I am sure you will find something that is new and challenging for you. Why not use this as a chance to learn some new language?

Try to note some new language that you see or hear in the articles or video and bring it to the class.




Have a great week.

See you in class!


Hits in the headlines — Articles for conversation #52


Articles for conversation #50