Not sure which class you need?

Look through the classes to find which one is right for you.

  • Do you want to become a better speaker of English? Do you wish you were more confident?

    This is the class I recommend for most students.

    Many of us have studied English for a long time but finding opportunities to speak English can be very difficult. In conversation practice you can do just that.

    Once a week I send out some articles and videos which gives you the opportunity to find language that is new or difficult to understand, then you can bring it to the class for discussion. This also lets us discuss different topics every week so that you can learn to speak about any topic, even if it is not something you are familiar with!

    Alternatively, we don’t need any topics planned. Some people just want a chat with a native and that is also completely fine!

    Finally, if you have been reading something that is interesting to you, or maybe watching a YouTube video that you liked, then send it to me so that we can discuss it in class. I love when my students are interested in the topic!

  • When you want to improve your English, it can be hard to know where to start! So many questions:

    Do you need to learn new vocabulary?

    Do you want to improve writing?

    Are you struggling with your listening skills?

    You might not even know what you should focus on!

    This class is for students who want to practice all of their skills - reading, writing, speaking, and listening - as well as learning new vocabulary along the way. We do this by introducing a new topic, learning to speak about that topic and the vocabulary related to it, then practicing the language through different activities.

    This class involves worksheets, videos, articles, listening activities, speaking activities, and much more!

    I keep this class interesting by having a range of topics and materials so that the classes are always fun and engaging.

    At the end of each class, you are provided with materials (and homework) for you to practice the language after the classes. You are also given access to flashcards for you to focus on learning the new vocabulary.

  • Let’s be honest… Grammar is boring, right?

    This is how many people feel about learning grammar. However, it doesn’t need to be boring!

    In this class, I use my knowledge of Linguistics to give you a deeper understanding of the grammar. We do this by focusing on how the grammar is used and the situations that we use it. You will be taught about a grammar concept, shown the situations that it is used in, then asked to explain the grammar back to me - you get to be the teacher!

    If you feel that you have some other questions about grammar, book a class and we can talk through them to make sure that you are understanding how to use the grammar and why we need to use it at all! The learning experience is different for everyone, including the topics that you need to focus on.

  • Many learners want to change their accent when speaking a different language. Perhaps you have even tried to make your accent sound different. Well in this class, we work on accent, pronunciation, and dialects to help you sound more British.

    At university, I studied Linguistics & Phonetics, and it is phonetics that really help in this class. You will learn about the sound features of Southern British English accents, but also about the rhythm, stress, and intonation found in the accent.

    Accent is not something that is easy to change, but in this class, you will be given the tools to make changes to the way you speak.

    This is the only course I teach that follows a very set strucuture, but of course there is always the opportunity to focus on different parts of the classes when we need to.

    The course is not needed for all students. Only students that are very interested in this should take this class. More information about the structure of this will be provided in the class.

  • Thanks for clicking… but there aren’t any other classes being offered. Yet.

    There will be updates coming soon. The website is still under construction.

    More updates will follow!


Prices vary for each class. The classes are currently available in lengths of:

  • 30 minutes

  • 1 hour

For specific prices for each class, please go to booking. Prices shown on the booking page are for private lessons only.

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Personal classes

If you are looking for private tutoring in any of the classes listed above then book a class with me and we can start your new English learning journey!

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