Do we really need 10000 steps per day? — Hits in the headlines #82

Articles are back for 2025, so don’t worry - No more awkward discussions about your life or what you have been doing! Jokes aside, this means for many of you there will be more sources for reading practice and hopefully some interesting topics.

Starting off in 2025, we have a look back at a BBC programme from 1995 which made predictions about the year 2025. Without spoiling much, you can probably guess that some of them were far more accurate predictions than others. Still, it is a good time to reflect. Have our goals changed as a society? Has there been anything completely unexpected to change those goals? What will life be like in another 30 years?

Sticking with the new year theme, the second story is about Extinction Rebellion, an environmental movement that is often called “extreme” within the UK. Their goal was to bring enough attention and disruption that the UK would focus on reaching “Net-Zero” by 2025. Unfortunately, this hasn’t happened. Now, it is the time to consider what happened, the impact of missing this deadline, and what can be done going forward. Currently, the UK has lots of areas in society and politics that need to be improved, and quickly. For many, it can seem very “doom and gloom” and that things are simply not improving. But, this isn’t a time for only worrying, and this story shares some things that can make us feel better about the situation. While the story is UK specific, the situation that it describes is not unique to this island. I’m sure many of you will see very similar things happening around you too.

Finally, we have a video about the idea (or myth??) about walking 10 000 steps a day. As the new year’s resolutions begin – and maybe already start failing – you will see lots of people prioritising their health and trying to get more exercise. I’m sure some of you are already getting 10000 or more steps a day, but what is the real impact of doing this? A common concern for many is that 10000 is simply too many to fit into their day, and when it seems like such a big challenge, we can fall at the first hurdle. So, in the video you will hear about the real impact of doing this, what happens without it, and if we really need such a high number at all.

Why not use this as a chance to learn some new language?

Try to note some new language that you see or hear in the articles or video and bring it to the class.




Remember, I always encourage you to send in your interesting articles, videos, or podcasts. You can message me directly, or email me here.

Have a great week.

See you in class!


Your response is needed! — Book Club


Hits in the headlines #81