How to improve English reading skills

“What do I need to do to improve my reading?”

I get this question a lot from students, so here are some of the most common tips to improve your reading skills. There is a reason that you have probably heard these tips before, because they are proven to work at improving your reading ability. Remember that reading in English is not just a skill for communication, but it can help you find more to read and provide more opportunities to learn new things.

1. Read Regularly

Consistency is key when it comes to improving your reading skills. Set aside time each day to read in English, whether it's a book, a news article, or a blog post. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the language. If finding an exact time to read is hard for you, set a goal of a certain number of pages every day — even if it is only 1 page!

2. Choose Material Wisely

Don't jump into the deep end right away! Pick reading materials that are a good fit for your current English skills. Think children's books, graphic novels, or articles about things you already know. These will help you get comfortable reading in English without feeling overwhelmed. Then, as you feel like a reading champion, level up! Try news articles, short stories, or even novels. You'll not only learn new language, but you'll also discover all sorts of different writing styles, making you a super well-rounded reader.

3. Focus on Comprehension

Don't just race through the words on the page. Reading is like having a conversation with the author, so take your time to understand their message. Look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary or online. Context clues, the surrounding words and sentences, can often help you guess the meaning too. As you read, jot down key points or summarize what you've learned in your own words. This will help solidify your understanding and make the information stick. Think of it like building a mental treasure chest of knowledge.

4. Expand Your Vocabulary

Reading is like diving into a giant word pool! You're bound to bump into new words and phrases along the way. Keep a special vocabulary journal, like a notebook or even a note-taking app on your phone. Every time you see a cool new word, jot it down along with its definition and maybe even a sentence from the text where you found it. Review your vocabulary journal regularly, and try to use these new words in your conversations. Imagine the surprised look on your friend's face when you casually drop a word like "pulchritudinous" (meaning very beautiful)! The more you use these words, the better you'll remember them, and your English will keep getting stronger.

5. Practice Active Reading

Don't just passively read – become a reading detective! Ask yourself questions before, during, and after you read. What do you think this is about? What might happen next? As you read, jot down answers, make predictions about the plot, and summarize the main ideas in your own words. Think of it like putting together a mini-movie in your head! This active approach will keep you focused, help you understand the story better, and make remembering the information a breeze. It's like giving yourself a homework task that can target your reading ability every time.

6. Join a Book Club or Reading Group

Reading doesn't have to be a solo activity. Joining a book club or reading group is like adding a whole new dimension to your English learning. Imagine chatting about the book's characters, plot twists, and deeper meanings with other readers. You'll not only gain different perspectives on the story, but also improve your comprehension skills by discussing the text in detail. Plus, it's a fantastic way to connect with fellow English learners and make some new friends who share your love of reading! It is a fantastic way to stay motivated to keep reading, as you will have a date of each meeting to act as a deadline. Find a book club that interests you, and get ready to dive into some great conversations.

7. Seek Feedback

Don't be shy about getting help with your reading! Think of your teacher (me!), or a study partner like a reading coach. They can listen to you read, offer advice, and help you identify areas you can improve on. Just like with any skill, the more targeted practice you do, the faster you'll see results. Asking for feedback on your pronunciation, clarity, and tone of voice, can be a great way to quickly improve your reading.

8. Set Reading Goals

Developing a strong reading habit is key to enhancing your English skills. Setting achievable reading goals can provide a roadmap for consistent progress. Consider factors like your available time and current reading level when selecting goals. Aim for realistic targets, such as reading for a specific amount of time each day or week. Choosing reading materials that align with your interests will further enhance the experience and keep you motivated. By establishing reading goals, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more confident and well-rounded reader.

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you'll soon find yourself becoming a more confident and skilled reader in English. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep pushing yourself to read widely and challenge yourself with diverse materials.

If you want to test your English reading comprehension, or work on a specific skill, you can book a class with me now.

Happy reading!


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