Get to know me a little better
I want to answer one main question in this blog post: Why am I a teacher?
I would love to tell you that I always wanted to be a teacher, but that is not quite the truth. There were many decisions that led me to become a teacher. The main reason was to travel.
I left the UK to travel to Mexico, get my teaching qualification, and get some experience teaching real English language learners in classrooms. I talk about my time in Mexico because it was such an unforgettable experience and it definitely influenced the way I teach and the way I see the world.
With COVID, lockdowns, and entry-requirements changing all the time, I made the decision to come back to the UK and switch to teaching online. To my surprise, I found the personal experience of one-to-one teaching to be even more enjoyable. Now, I get to work with students from around the world. Not only that, but I work with my students on long-term goals where I really get to see their improvement and see the effect of our classes together.
Becoming a teacher was not something I saw in my future, but now it has become such an important part of my life. It has even led me to start my own business!
Hopefully, you now feel like you understand my motivations better than before. I am always happy to talk about my teaching. If there is anything else you would like to know, contact me here.